The following program shows about Microsoft Sam. The video product shows funny stuff. Do not be like such a nonsense.
Hey, check this out. It's about that speech voice demo and the video is what I'm talking about.
Microsoft Sam is a Microsoft Windows Speech Voice. One YouTube User, called ThunderBirds101, has an idea. He makes a series called "Microsoft Sam Reads Funny Windows Errors!". This is gonna be a comedy. Funny.
But one time this happened. One day, an another YouTube user, Mr. Cool, makes this idea from Thunderbirds101's series. But it is the different ones (original version: Thunderbirds101). He makes a short. This is called "Microsoft Sam Reads Funny Windows Errors!", but this time, that video is in his version. It was made by NintendoBro1000.
Here's the thing: Sometimes one YouTube user make "Microsoft Sam Reads Funny Windows Errors!" in their version.
Check out this video. Watch it now! Summary: This is a short, short video when I got bored. Enjoy!
Speech Demo for MP3:
When you are at Cognable, it's at the Speeka Speech Demo Page. You can make an mp3.
Click here! The voice is available for only MS Sam.
Thank you learning this program post and enjoy.
Oh yeah! Funny! Woo hoo! Bravo!
whowillwin (Updated )
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thanks.